Acoustics symposium shifts to West Coast


Peter Mallett, Staff Writer ~

Over 200 military acoustics experts from across Canada converged on CFB Esquimalt last week for the 2019 Maritime Acoustics Symposium.

The biannual symposium is traditionally held at CFB Halifax, but this year saw the first-ever shift to the west coast with Canadian Fleet Pacific (CANFLTPAC) hosting the event at dockyard’s Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) headquarters April 8 to 12. 

Introductory remarks were made by Commodore Angus Topshee, Commander CANFLTPAC.

This year’s symposium theme was Regeneration of Anti-Submarine Warfare Through Reconnection, with the week’s discussions including all components that comprise Anti-Submarine Warfare.

Approximately 25 presenters spoke to the group and led discussions on various topics.

Event organizer, Chief Petty Officer Second Class Line Laurendeau, Staff Officer Underwater Warfare CANFLTPAC, says a key area the symposium focussed on was ways Sonar operators and other military members can better assimilate with the CH-148 Cyclone helicopter.

“Personnel focussed on acoustics in Canada’s military normally work within their own separate silos, so this reconnection through the symposium enables us to better understand how our ships and sub-surface vessels work with our new helicopters and properly use sensors and acoustics equipment,” said CPO2 Laurendeau.

Formation Chief, and former Sonar Operator, Chief Petty Officer First Class David Steeves led the second day of the symposium with a discussion about the fleet and the importance of acoustic-based intelligence gathering.

The week-long event also included a little fun and friendly competition. Sonar Operators from HMC Ships Winnipeg, Ottawa, Calgary, and Vancouver, HMC Submarines Victoria and Chicoutimi, MARPAC, and Canadian Joint Operations Command participated in the Petty Officer Gailand Guptill Memorial Competition.

The competition was led by PO1 Champion and took place at Naval Fleet School Pacific. It featured three tests to evaluate sonar operators’ capabilities in acoustics analysis, submarine detection and tracking, weapons systems and trade cohesion, awarding prizes in both the team and individual categories. PO1 Champion was the coordinator for the competition and his sole focus was towards rebuilding fleet esprit de corps while rejuvenating the Anti-Submarine Warfare skills that is not frequently on display.

“The yearly event is designed to push the limits of each operator while intertwining the submarine community with that of the fleet units,” said Chief Laurendeau.

The winning team for this year’s competition, ‘The Misfits’, were presented with their award by CPO1 Steeves during the final event of the symposium on April 12. The winners included five crew members from HMCS Calgary: Master Seaman Joshua Joyce, Leading Seaman Brendon Prevost, LS Michael Abbott Abbott, LS Andrey Shchedrin, and Able Seaman Arujo. The other two winners were Master Seaman Maxwell Tulloch  from HMCS Victoria and Able Seaman Roy of HMCS Chicoutimi.

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