Monument unveiled at veteran’s lodge


The morning of November 10th was when the Lodge at Broadmead unveiled a new monument and many veterans came out to take part in the ceremony.


Rachel Lallouz, Staff Writer

The day before Remembrance Day, Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, accompanied by Maritime Forces Pacific Commander, Rear-Admiral Gilles Couturier, unveiled a new monument at the Lodge at Broadmead in front of a crowd of Second World War and Korean War Veterans.

The granite monument commemorates the 20th anniversary of the Lodge’s opening, and the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War.

A plaque on the monument’s polished front reads:

“Dedicated to the Canada’s veterans, especially those cared for at the Lodge.”

“I believe it is the responsibility of every Canadian to show great respect and to remember the men and women who served, and who continue to serve in uniform today,” said LGov Guichon in her address to the crowd. “I am humbled by their actions.” RAdm Couturier echoed the Lieutenant-Governor’s words, thanking and applauding the Lodge for serving the resident veterans with caring, respect, and integrity.

“I want to say thank you, too, to the veterans who carried the flame so high, and who gave us the opportunity to follow in their footsteps,” he said. Second World War veteran, Major (retired) Murray Edwards, acting as a representative of all veterans at the Lodge, expressed his gratitude for the new monument.

“We, the veterans and other residents here at the lodge wish to extend our thanks for the arrangements made today. Remembrance Day is a time for sober reflection,” said Edwards.

“As we view this monument, we will never forget.” In keeping with the Lodge’s high number of veteran residents, Broadmead Care Board Chair Paul Morgan announced a name change for the Lodge following the unveiling.

The Lodge at Broadmead will now officially be known as the Veterans Memorial Lodge at Broadmead.

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