CFB Esquimalt gets a taste of world cuisine

Cook LS Dave Eason

LS Dave Eason serves up hot food at the Nelles Block service line.

On Wednesday, diners at Nelles Block and Venture’s galley can stick their forks into some international cuisine.

A special menu has been created by Base Foods staff to support International Day for the Elimination of Racism.

“It’s a good opportunity to give people something new to try during their lunches, as well as a way to support a good cause,” says MWO David McLaughlin, Deputy Base Foods Officer. “Base Administration is committed to supporting causes like this, and we thought this would be a fun and unique way to throw our hat in.”

The menu includes Szechuan Pork Stir Fry, Lahori Red Chicken Karahi, and Mexican Vegetarian Corn.

“We tried to pick foods from all across the globe, instead of just one continent or country to give people lots to choose from,” says MWO McLaughlin. “It’s nice to be able to use the unique skills of Base Food staff.”

The menu is also an opportunity for the cooks at Base Foods to showcase their cooking skills.

“The cooks get a chance to make things they don’t get to make every day,” he says. “With the creativity involved in preparation and the unique choices for people dining at the mess halls, on top of supporting something we care about, it’s a win-win all around.”

-Shawn O’Hara, Staff Writer

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