CFSA, Songhees team up at sailing competition

CFSA, Songhees team up at international regatta

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer ~

It was all hands on deck for volunteers from the Canadian Forces Sailing Association (CFSA) earlier this month as Victoria played host to the 2018 Melges 24 World Championship.

The Canadian Forces Sailing Association was one of three host venues for the May 31 to June 9 international sailing competition that brought together 41 teams from five nations. Races were held on the Victoria waterfront between Saxe Point and Albert Head.

The Royal Victoria Yacht Club and the Victoria International Marina also participated as hosting venues in the 10-race series.

The CFSA was the main site for pre-event inspections carried out by race judges and officials to determine if the high-performance craft measured up to event specifications. The CFSA teamed up with the Songhees Nation, using Dallas Bank land to store the team’s boat trailers on site for the duration of the event. Giant cranes supplied by race organizers were used to lift and launch the boats from the CFSA docks.

Then on June 2 the Songhees Wellness Centre hosted a special Melges 24 dinner for event organizers and competitors.

Former CFSA Commodore, Commander (Retired) Bill Macdonald is a long-time sailor at the club and helped organize the CFSA’s contribution to the event. He noted the dinner put on by the Songhees Wellness Centre staff drew rave reviews, and also congratulated the volunteers in the Esquimalt community for making the event a success.

“There was no problem getting people involved and I found that most of the competitors were blown away by the level of support provided by our team of volunteers,” said Macdonald.

On the water a team from Italy led by Andrea Racchelli claimed the gold medal and took the Meleges 24 Worlds’ title. Their victory came on the final day of the competition, with teams from the United States capturing bronze and silver.

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