Doing the time warp

rocky horror show poster

Cdr Lorne Carruth, LCdr Michele Tessier, Cdr Barb Clerihue and Jean-Paul Condon are featured in Kaleidoscope Theatre’s production of the Rocky Horror Show.

What do fishnet stockings, counter culture stage performance, and the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) have in common?

Nothing usually, but this year they’re coming together for Kaleidoscope Theatre’s performance of the Rocky Horror Show.

The production runs Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 at the McPherson Playhouse, and features a number of faces from CFB Esquimalt.

“It’s been such a great experience getting this show together,” says Cdr Barb Clerihue, who will run the show as Kaleidoscope’s Stage Manager along with Assistant Stage Manager LCdr Michele Tessier. “We’ve got a great cast together, and this is definitely going to be one of the most all-out shows we’ve done.”

The show is a performance of the original Rocky Horror Show, a cult stage musical that premiered in London in 1973 and spawned an equally legendary film in 1975.

“This is a show with a lot of very important history and I’m so happy to be a part of it,” says Cdr Clerihue. “The cast is really giving it all they’ve got, so it’s going to be one memorable show.”

A naturally organized motivator, Cdr Clerihue fit right into the role of stage manager. She says while the director creates the play, the stage manager makes it happened.

“If I had to use a navy analogy, the stage manager is like the XO to the director’s CO,” she says. “The main difference is the military is an organization of discipline, whereas actors tend to do whatever they want. My career has definitely given me a leg up on getting these actors in line.”

Under the bright lights of the stage the military is present as well, with Jean-Paul Condon of the Port Operations and Emergency Services Branch, and Cdr Lorne Carruth, Commander Coastal Division, hitting the stage as Dr. Everett Scott.

“My wife shanghaied me into joining the ensemble for Kaleidoscope’s production of Singing In The Rain last year, so I thought I’d give it a real shot and audition for this show,” says Cdr Carruth. “I went in and sang my heart out. I was glad to accept the role of Dr. Scott, and I’ve been having a blast so far.”

All day Saturday and Sunday since Labour Day Cdr Carruth and the rest of the cast have been hard at work, and with the show just around the corner he says the excitement is palpable.

“It’s been a great time, and we’re putting a lot of ourselves on the stage,” he says. “We’re going to bring it and show the audience why this play has garnered the cult following it has. It’s going to be great.”

Tickets for the show can be purchased at

-Shawn O’Hara, Staff Writer

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