Findings of COVID-19 Defence Team Survey now available



The Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) would like to thank the 27,000 Defence Team members who participated in the COVID-19 Defence Team Survey.

Your feedback and, especially, your candid comments have already begun to help inform organizational approaches to supporting personnel and their families as we navigate the COVID-19 crisis and as the organization prepares for the future.

The survey was designed to understand the experiences and requirements of Defence Team members stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. The results highlight some of the challenges Defence Team members have faced, many of which are due to the substantial changes to work arrangements, concern about family members, and the added pressures of having to navigate daycare and school closures.

Despite these challenges, respondents expressed favourable views regarding the support they have received from their immediate supervisors and from DND/CAF.

We will continue to monitor the needs of all personnel and provide the support required.

Since the start of the pandemic, DND/CAF have put into place programs and resources for members of the Defence Team in order to support their physical health and mental wellbeing. In addition to the already existing resources and support offered through the Canadian Forces Member Assistance Program and the Employee Assistance Program, we have taken further action. We have initiated several COVID-specific programs and created some helpful resources.

Rest assured we will continue to support our members as this situation evolves. Your responses to the survey are helping inform organizational decisions that will be critical to our continued operations, and our successful reintegration.

Results from the survey are now available to Defence Team members here:


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