French homework help is now available for military children

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Military Family Services ~

Voilà Learning, in partnership with Military Family Services, is offering free online homework support to military children needing assistance with their French homework.

Registration is required when enrolling children to validate that they are from a military family. Once registration is complete, a code is emailed to parents allowing children access to the Voilà Learning Virtual Immersion Campus. Children find the customizable avatar-led virtual support of the campus appealing, as the world they work in resembles a typical école.

Further, their questions are answered in real-time by professional teachers in a virtual group setting.

The homework help is available to children of military families between ages five and 18. Support is available in a variety of subjects on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5 to 11 p.m. EST.

Voilà is a not-for-profit organization that unites hundreds of certified French teachers from school boards across Canada and the United States. The organization also unites hundreds of members, teachers, educators and school principals with a common goal: to encourage students in their acquisition of the French language, and to help parents meet the needs of their children studying in a French program.

To view a video detailing how the service can be of benefit to your military family and/or to register in the Virtual Immersion Campus visit the Voilà Learning website:

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