Moving to the CH-148 Cyclone: conversion training next step

Photo by LS Upshall

Capt Jean Martin and Capt Craig Law conduct training in the CH148 Cyclone operational mission simulator. The simulator allows for the creation of a virtual battlespace that is highly reflective of the demanding and highly dynamic operating environments that 12 Wing personnel are called upon in providing wings for the fleet. Photo by LS Upshall

Lt Catherine Drover, 406 (M) Operational Training Squadron ~

The first round of Aircrew Conversion Training at 406 Maritime Operational Training Squadron in 12 Wing Shearwater started Sept. 11 for pilots in preparation for operational employment on the CH-148 Cyclone.

Pilot Conversion Training Courses 1 and 2, consisting mostly of CH-124 Sea King experienced airmen and women, will spend the next 90 training days learning new aircraft systems and tactics, while transferring their knowledge and skills from the Sea King to the CH-148 Cyclone. This cadre of pilots will form the first operational Cyclone air detachments ready to deploy on Her Majesty Canadian Ships starting the summer of 2018.

406 (M) Operational Training Squadron is responsible for all Cyclone aircrew and technician conversion training programs and have already completed a number of courses for Avionics Systems Technicians (AVS Tech) and Aviation Systems Technicians (AVN Tech).

Through the fall, 406 (M) Operational Training Squadron will continue to increase technicians throughput by adding an additional AVN serial, and introducing Air Weapons Systems (AWS) and Aircraft Structure (ACS) Technicians in 2018.

With two AVS serial already in-house and four AVN serials starting through the fall, 406 will be running eight type courses by the winter of 2018.

This represents the next step in continuing the Squadron’s mission to generate the technicians and aircrew behind the “Wings for the Fleet”.

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