National Addictions Awareness Week 2024
By Lookout Production on Nov 24, 2024 with Comments 0

Health Or Addiction, Two Opposite Ways. Top view of feet with chalk drawing on the asphalt road
PSP Health Promotion
Forging Connections
This year, the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) National Addictions Awareness Week is from Nov. 24 – 30. The theme for this year’s campaign is “Forging Connections”, emphasizing the power of collaboration in fostering a supportive and understanding environment. Substance use affects individuals, families, and workplaces in profound ways, but by building meaningful connections among peers, leadership, and support services, we can create a strong network that encourages prevention, early intervention, and recovery. We can strengthen these connections by engaging in open dialogue, increasing awareness of available resources, and promoting a culture of compassion.
When working together – whether through peer support, leadership mentorship, or partnerships with health services – we can reduce stigma, improve access to care, and support one another in facing the challenges of substance use. Let’s take this opportunity to forge stronger bonds, ensuring everyone has the tools and community they need to thrive.
The Addictions-Free Living Working Group of the MARPAC Health & Wellness Strategy is working to drive change here at MARPAC by creating a culture that encourages healthy lifestyle choices and reduces the risk of problems with alcohol, cannabis, gambling, gaming and other potentially harmful substances and behaviours. The working group continues to work towards creating a culture of health and wellness at MARPAC, and encourages members of the Defence Team to visit the CCSA National Addictions Awareness Week website ( for more information, and to seek help and support if you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction or substance abuse.
Myth #1:
“Alcohol and cannabis are legal, so they are safe.”
Fact: Recent guidelines highlight the risks associated with alcohol use and cannabis use. These guidelines and research studies can be viewed at: (alcohol)
Myth #2:
“If I see a Base Addictions clinician for help with substance use / an addiction I will need inpatient treatment.”
Fact: Base Addictions clinicians complete an initial full assessment and treatment recommendations vary between inpatient and outpatient care depending on prevalence and severity of a substance use disorder or addiction.
Myth #3:
“If I seek support for my substance use, I will be required to be 100% abstinent.”
Fact: Base Addictions clinicians work with clients on their personal goals around substance use and communicate regularly with primary care to ensure medical employment limitations are put in place as needed.
Myth #4:
“Cannabis is found in nature so I cannot be addicted to it.”
Fact: Addiction to cannabis is possible and cannabis use can cause numerous risks associated with mental health. Learn more at:
Myth #5:
“If I disclose to a Base Addictions clinician that I use illicit substances, it will end my military career.”
Fact: Base Addictions clinicians communicate with primary care clinicians to make recommendations for future employment. Treatment recommendations for help with a substance use disorder focus on recovery and gainful employment when possible.
CAF members should speak to their primary care clinician to determine if a referral to a Base Addictions clinician is appropriate.
- Health Services/Base Addictions 250-363-4122
- Members Assistance Program (CFMAP) 1-800-268-7708
- Military Family Resource Centre (MFRC) 1-800-353-3329
- The Chaplains Service 250-363-4106 (office), 250-363-4032 (after hours)
- CARE (Centralized Access and Rapid engagement Services) Addictions Outpatient Treatment. Support and education groups, counselling, day treatment, assessment, referrals and consultations with physicians. 250-519-3485
- Alcoholics Anon Support Line 250-383-7744
- BC Alcohol and Drug Information Referral Service Line Info and referrals for alcohol and drug use and misuse. 1-800-663-1441 (24hr)
- Foundry: 250-383-3552
- Narcotics Anon. Support Line 250-383-3553
- Problem Gambling Help Line 1-888-795-6111
- Gambling Support BC
- Umbrella Society 250-380-0595
- Homewood Health – Ravensview – Addiction treatment for military members and veterans 1-866-203-1793
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