Sapientia Ex Diciplina, NWO III Fraser Steps Off the Parade Square
By Lookout on Dec 20, 2024 with Comments 0

Acting Sub-Lieutenant Mitchell George Grieveson Keay, alongside his wife and child, is presented with the Welland Shield by Commander Isabelle, Commanding Officer HMCS Corner Brook.
SLt Simon Gonsalves, MARPAC PAO
The long path to becoming a trained Naval Warfare Officer is notoriously not for the faint of heart. However, on the Dec. 11, after four months of challenge and adversity, Naval Warfare Officer (NWO) III Fraser Division had their formal graduation ceremony HMCS Venture’s Nixon Drill Deck.
This event marked the culmination of a rigorous training program aimed to transform junior naval officers into the future leaders of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). All NWO candidates attend an extensive program at HMCS Venture, the center of Excellence in Naval Training located in Esquimalt. They partake in three critical milestone courses, each building on the last prior to joining the fleet. Training consists of classroom instruction, simulator sessions, and practical training at sea. These experiences are necessary to build expertise and hands-on experience in navigation, bridgemanship, ship safety, emergency procedures, and seamanship, amongst other vital subjects.
Families, friends, and distinguished guests, including Rear-Admiral Christopher Robinson, Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of the graduating class. The Reviewing Officer, Commander Eric Isabelle, Commanding Officer of HMCS Corner Brook, spoke to all those in attendance. Commander Isabelle stated that he completion of NWO III “marks a significant milestone for Warfare Officers as their first true career course, giving the candidates a taste of what it means of having Charge of a ship as [Officer of the Watch].”
Fraser’s Course Training Offer, Lieutenant (Navy) (Lt(N)) Joe Cheng, delivered the closing remarks. Always coaching and encouraging his students to do their best, “your success is my success” is his motto, noting that the combined course academic average was well above normal at an outstanding 91%. While the graduating officers wait for their next phase of NWO training, Lt(N) Cheng enthusiastically recommended that they “take every opportunity to grow, develop, and challenge themselves.”
The ceremony also served as a platform to honour the achievements of exemplary candidates within the advancing class. The Welland Shield, the award granted to the student exhibiting the highest standard of leadership, was presented to Acting Sub-Lieutenant (A/SLt) Mitchell Keay. A reservist from HMCS York, Toronto’s Naval Reserve Division, A/SLt Keay mentioned that receiving the prestigious award was “something I will dearly treasure for years to come.” When asked to advise future NWO candidates, the recent father quoting Winston Churchill, stated: “success is not final, failure is not fatal – it is the courage to continue that counts that most in this world.”
All NWO courses are named after a renowned ship from naval history; the Fraser course was named after two previous RCN warships – the latest being the second HMCS Fraser, the last vessel of the St. Laurent-class, which were the first Canadian designed and built warships. The lead ship of Canada’s next generation of surface warships, the upcoming River-class, has been selected to carry on Fraser’s glorious name for decades to come. With the next Fraser expected in the early 2030s, many graduating students might find themselves sailing on their namesake further along their illustrious careers!
Fair winds and following seas Fraser – remember, destiny rarely calls at a time of your choosing!
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