All Entries Tagged With: "Calgary"

RCN, USN artists design 2024 RIMPAC logo
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — A Leadership Conduct Instructor from Esquimalt is a co-winner of a logo contest for this year’s Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) military exercises. Lieutenant (Navy) (Lt(N)) Tristan Robertson of Naval Fleet School (Pacific) learned he won the contest on Dec. 5. He shares the spotlight with Lieutenant (Lt) Emily Paiz […]

Atomic bomb survivor makes game-changing donation
So far, Second World War veteran Rudi Hoenson has given away $4 million of his fortune, but says his latest donation may be his most meaningful. Earlier this month the 92-year-old Victoria philanthropist, and atomic bomb survivor, announced he would match donations of up to $200,000 to help cover the costs of new overhead lifts […]