All Entries Tagged With: "First World War"

First World War Veteran Ralph Hodgson: Inspiring a Generation of War Amputees
War Amps — Ralph Hodgson (1895-1948) lived by the motto inscribed on his tombstone: “It’s not what you have lost that counts but what you have.” These words defined his life’s work, as he dedicated himself to ensuring that his fellow war amputee veterans could thrive despite their injuries. Hodgson, a law student when the […]

First World War Canadian soldier identified
DND, Canadian Armed Forces — The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have confirmed that remains recovered in Vendin-le-Vieil, France, are those of Corporal Percy Howarth, a Canadian soldier of the First World War. The identity was confirmed through historical, genealogical, anthropological, archaeological and DNA analysis. […]

Forgotten Chinese workers honoured
Last week, Capt(N) Steve Waddell, CFB Esquimalt’s Base Commander, joined members of the Chinese Canadian Military Museum Society and William Head personnel for a dedication ceremony and plaque unveiling at the William Head Institution. The plaque was dedicated to First World War Chinese Labour Corps personnel who died and were buried at William Head, which […]