All Entries Tagged With: "Naval Fleet School (Pacific)"

Chief Budden blazes a trail to retirement
Peter Mallett, Contributor — When Naval Fleet School (Pacific) Chief Petty Officer 1st Class (CPO1) Stan Budden reflects on his 31.5-year naval career, two great lessons learned come to mind. “Firstly, a career in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) represents a lifetime of service to others so it’s not just a job but a lifestyle,” says […]

Top Sailor Award double play for HMCS Regina
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — A pair of HMCS Regina members completed a rare feat in the fleet by collecting two consecutive Maritime Forces Pacific (MARPAC) awards. Master Sailor (MS) Tristan Harris became Sailor of the Last 2023 Quarter; his shipmate Sailor 1st Class (S1) Nicholas Campbell became Sailor of the First 2024 Quarter. Both took on extra work during […]

It’s ‘Victory Oar Duff’ in race to Alaska
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — vic·to·ry /ˈvikt(ə)rē/ | nounan act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition. oar /ôr/ | nouna pole with a flat blade, pivoting in an oar lock, used to row or steer a boat through the water. duff /dəf/ adjective, informal 1. Dessert 2. Indicates that something […]