All Entries Tagged With: "Canada"

L’honneur de la sentinelle :
un marin du NCSM Discovery rend hommage à la Tombe du Soldat inconnu FLS Alexandre Khoury, MARPAC PA — Monter la garde devant la Tombe du Soldat inconnu au Monument commémoratif de guerre du Canada à Ottawa est un grand honneur et un privilège que peu de militaires reçoivent. Il s’agit d’une tâche remarquable qui exige […]

On February 15, let’s celebrate our Canadian flag!
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer – National Flag of Canada Day is Feb 15. On Feb. 15, 1965, Canada’s red and white maple leaf flag was raised for the very first time on Parliament Hill. On that same day in 1996, National Flag Day was declared. Our national flag is a symbol that unites Canadians and reflects the values we take pride […]

RCN sailor traverses the Antarctic waters with the Chilean Navy
A/SLt Kayvan Aflaki, NWO — As a Naval Warfare Officer with the Royal Canadian Navy, my career has involved sailing Canada’s territorial waters, but nothing could have prepared me for the extraordinary journey that unfolded in November 2023—an expedition to Antarctica as an attaché to the Chilean Navy. This unique opportunity, through a program called Regulus designed to […]