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Group photo of HMCS Regina’s Naval Electronic Sensor Operators and supervising Officer, taken next to one of the ship’s Harpoon missile launchers off the coast of California.

Bulldogs Away! Mission Success for HMCS Regina

SLt Simon Gonsalves, MARPAC Public Affairs  —  Under the bright Southern Californian sky, sailors onboard His Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Regina participated in Joint Littoral Targeting Exercise 2024 (JoLTEX 24). During this training event, the crew had the rare opportunity to launch two advanced Block II Harpoon missiles soaring over the horizon and far beyond. This […]

S1 Jacob Barrett is presented with the Sailor of the Quarter coin by Commander Sam Patchell, Deputy Commander of CANFLTPAC and CPO1 David Bisal, Fleet Chief on Sept. 16.

S1 Jacob Barrett Awarded Sailor of the Quarter 

Paul Dagonese, Lookout Writer  —  The Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) has named Sailor 1st Class (S1) Jacob Barrett as its Q3 Sailor of the Quarter (SOQ) for the months of July-September. S1 Barrett was presented his award aboard his serving ship, HMCS Max Bernays and presented the coveted SOQ coin from both Commander Sam Patchell, Deputy […]

S1 Jacob Barrett is presented with the Sailor of the Quarter coin by Commander Sam Patchell, Deputy Commander of CANFLTPAC and CPO1 David Bisal, Fleet Chief on Sept. 16.

Le mat 1 Jacob Barrett est nommé marin du trimestre

Paul Dagonese, Rédacteur de Lookout  —  La Marine royale canadienne (MRC) a nommé le Matelot de 1re classe (Mat1) Jacob Barrett à titre de Matelot du trimestre (Q3) pour les mois de juillet à septembre. Le Matelot de 1re classe Barrett a reçu sa récompense à bord de son navire de service, le NCSM Max Bernays, […]