All Entries Tagged With: "CANSUBFOR"
Canadian Submarine Force trains future allied captains
Nathalie Garcia, CANSUBFOR — Naval officers from around the world participated in the Submarine Officer Continuation Training (SOCT) in Halifax, NS from the 5th to 18th of September. Canada regularly organizes this type of training to prepare prospective Canadian submarine captains for the Submarine Command Course in Norway and the Netherlands, a course which is […]
La Force des sous-marins canadiens forme les futurs capitaines alliés
Nathalie Garcia, Force des sous-marins canadiens — Des officiers de marine du monde entier ont participé au Submarine Officer Continuation Training (SOCT) à Halifax, en Nouvelle-Écosse, du 5 au 18 septembre. Le Canada organise régulièrement ce type de formation pour préparer les futurs capitaines de sous-marins canadiens au cours de commandement des sous-marins en Norvège […]
CANSUBFOR: Ensuring safety and readiness in the deep
Kate Bandura, Lookout Contributor — Beneath the waves, Canada’s Submarine Force (CANSUBFOR) operates in one of the most challenging environments known to humankind. The silent service demands not only courage and skill but also an unwavering commitment to safety. In an exclusive interview with The Lookout, Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class (CPO2) Nelson […]