RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "exercise"

="Cpl, Pierre-Luc, Auger, climbs, water, following, ice, dive, Deschambault-Grondines, QC, Feb, 19, during, Exercise, Roguish, Buoy'

Ex Roguish Buoy

Cpl Pierre-Luc Auger climbs out of the water following an ice dive in Deschambault-Grondines, QC, Feb. 19 during Exercise Roguish Buoy.

Ken Cawley oiled animal rescue course

Base employees practice oiled animal rescue

Rescuing oil-slicked animals and birds is now a skillset of a few base employees. To ensure they can do the job, 10 people from Port Operation and Emergency Services (POESB), Fleet Maintenance Facility, and the Coast Guard took the First Responder Oiled Animal Capture course with Focus Wildlife Canada last week. Standing in for the […]

Exercise Guerrier Nordique

Sled platoon on the move

Platoon 1 of the Arctic Response Company Group and Canadian Rangers travel to pick up Platoons 2 and 3 to move to the next position during Exercise Guerrier Nordique in Iqaluit, Nunavu.