RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "HMCS Windsor"

Members of Victoria's Wong Sheung Kung Fu Club provide musical accompaniment during a Lion Dance. Photo: Peter Mallett / Lookout

Lion dancers bring festive cheer for the Lunar New Year

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer —  A giant drum, hand-hammered gong and cymbals sounded at the main entrance of Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Christopher Robinson’s official residence as two brightly coloured red and yellow lions warmed up the mood on Feb. 14. The lion dancers from Victoria’s Wong Sheung Kung Fu Club have cleansed CFB Esquimalt of ‘bad mojo’ while […]


East coast sub returns home

HMCS Windsor returns home to CFB Halifax on Dec. 17, 2015 after taking part in Joint Warrior and Trident Juncture, coordinated exercises with NATO allies to enhance combat readiness.