All Entries Tagged With: "homecoming"

HMCS Vancouver, a homecoming marked by tradition
Paul Dagonese, Staff Writer — After a six-month deployment starting in Hawaii and continuing throughout the Indo-Pacific region, HMCS Vancouver returned to CFB Esquimalt early in the morning of Dec. 5. As the ship waited just outside Esquimalt Harbour, excited onlookers gathered early at Duntze Head for the ceremonial sail-past, catching distant glimpses of their friends and […]

A rainy Y-jetty homecoming
Paul Dagonese, Lookout Staff Writer — Y-jetty is packed for another homecoming of HMC Ships Edmonton and Yellowknife as they return from their Operation (Op) Caribbe deployment. Despite just being docked and seeing family members donned in rain gear eagerly awaiting them ashore, Lieutenant-Commander (LCdr) Tyson Babcock, Commanding Officer (CO) of HMCS […]

Un retour pluvieux à la Y-jetty
Paul Dagonese, Rédacteur en chef du Lookout — La jetée Y est prête pour un autre retour au bercail des NCSM Edmonton et Yellowknife, qui reviennent de leur déploiement dans le cadre de l’opération Caribbe. Malgré le fait qu’ils viennent tout juste d’accoster et que les membres de leur famille, vêtus de vêtements de pluie, les […]