All Entries Tagged With: "indo-pacific"

HMCS Vancouver, a homecoming marked by tradition
Paul Dagonese, Staff Writer — After a six-month deployment starting in Hawaii and continuing throughout the Indo-Pacific region, HMCS Vancouver returned to CFB Esquimalt early in the morning of Dec. 5. As the ship waited just outside Esquimalt Harbour, excited onlookers gathered early at Duntze Head for the ceremonial sail-past, catching distant glimpses of their friends and […]

HMCS Vancouver visits namesake city
Kateryna Bandura, Editor — Seven sailors from HMCS Vancouver conducted a namesake city visit March 2-3. The visit allowed members to share their experiences with Vancouverites during the ship’s previous year’s six-month deployment to the Indo-Pacific. Lieutenant (Navy) Sean Ritchie, Vancouver’s Unit Public Affairs Representative, says trips such as this one are important in building […]