All Entries Tagged With: "NTG"

From CNTG to CSNMG2, a big step on a journey of letters and numbers
By NTG PA — “This is a fairly uncommon event, to have the honour of promoting someone to the rank of Commodore (Cmdre) within our Formation,” said Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Christopher Robinson, Commander MARPAC. RAdm Robinson was addressing a small gathering of Naval Training Group (NTG) personnel, family, and friends of Cmdre Matthew Coates who were gathered […]

Giving 110% (actually)
NTG Public Affairs — ‘Supply and demand’ is a concept often used to understand consumer behaviour. But the model extends beyond economics and can shape a range of management decisions including those affecting the naval training system. Case in point: Naval Environmental Training Programme (NETP) courses are conducted on both […]

Le groupe de formation navale fête ses dix ans !
Affaires publiques NTG — “Tous les membres de la Marine royale canadienne (MRC) partagent le même objectif professionnel : générer des capacités maritimes par la force afin de les utiliser selon les directives du gouvernement du Canada”, a déclaré le capitaine de frégate Darren Sleen, commandant du groupe d’entraînement naval (GEN), lors d’une récente allocution. L’assemblée de […]