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(L-R) Jackson, Meghan, Nathaniel and Commodore Matthew Coates with presiding officer Rear-Admiral Chris Robinson. Photo: Michael McWhinnie.

From CNTG to CSNMG2, a big step on a journey of letters and numbers

By NTG PA  —  “This is a fairly uncommon event, to have the honour of promoting someone to the rank of Commodore (Cmdre) within our Formation,” said Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Christopher Robinson, Commander MARPAC. RAdm Robinson was addressing a small gathering of Naval Training Group (NTG) personnel, family, and friends of Cmdre Matthew Coates who were gathered […]

Giving 110% (actually)

Giving 110% (actually)

NTG Public Affairs — ‘Supply and demand’ is a concept often used to understand consumer behaviour. But the model extends beyond economics and can shape a range of management decisions including those affecting the naval training system. Case in point: Naval Environmental Training Programme (NETP) courses are conducted on both […]

Commander Darren Sleen (left) and Chief Petty Officer 1st Class André Aubry (right) invite Josée Lafontaine and Laura Brackenbury to cut the cake.

Le groupe de formation navale fête ses dix ans !

Affaires publiques NTG — “Tous les membres de la Marine royale canadienne (MRC) partagent le même objectif professionnel : générer des capacités maritimes par la force afin de les utiliser selon les directives du gouvernement du Canada”, a déclaré le capitaine de frégate Darren Sleen, commandant du groupe d’entraînement naval (GEN), lors d’une récente allocution. L’assemblée de […]