RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "team canada"

The Invictus Games 2025: A Celebration of Resilience and Recovery

The Invictus Games 2025: A Celebration of Resilience and Recovery

The DAG Connection — The Invictus Games are coming to Vancouver and Whistler this winter. The idea was first conceived by Prince Harry in 2014 as a celebration of the courage and resilience demonstrated by those recovering from injuries obtained during military service.  The competitive events of the games embody the healing power of sport […]

Prince Harry speaks during an Invictus Games Symposium on Invisible Wounds, seeking to destigmatize the victims of post traumatic stress and other injuries. Photo: DoD News photo by EJ Hersom – Wikimedia Commons

Invictus excitement builds in B.C.

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer  —  In less than a year, Vancouver and Whistler will welcome ill and injured military athletes worldwide for the Invictus Games 2025. To celebrate the upcoming games and help boost awareness of its mission, a group of 60 military athletes, competitors, coaches, and managers from 19 nations worldwide gathered in mid-February […]

Naomi Morrell, Roller Girl

Roller Girl gets ready to rumble

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — Lacing up her roller skates and putting on a Team Canada jersey is a huge deal to Naomi Morrell. The 16-year-old is preparing to represent Canada at the 2023 Roller Derby Junior World Cup in France this July. “The idea of representing Canada hasn’t quite set in yet, it feels too big […]