RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "CAF"

A Readers Halloween Tale

A Readers Halloween Tale

Ryan Cane  —  I still remember that Halloween night in 1965 as if it were yesterday. We lived on a military base back then, tucked away in the middle of nowhere. Rows of identical beige houses lined the streets in the married quarter’s community, and the kids knew each other by name. My dad was […]

Chaplain’s Corner:  One Team, One Force

Chaplain’s Corner:  One Team, One Force

Padre Lt(N) Gregory McMullin, Reserve Chaplain, CFB Esquimalt  —  As a Chaplain in the Reserve Force, when given the opportunity to serve during the summer months at CFB Esquimalt, I have not been able to refuse. After all, who wouldn’t jump at the chance to bask in an area world-renowned for its breathtaking scenery. Undeniably, there […]

PTSD: Wounded & Addiction

PTSD: Wounded & Addiction

Thomas Goenczi, Lookout Contributor  —  When we are psychologically wounded by trauma, we have many avenues we can take. However, our choices and our sense of autonomy are often shrouded by old patterns. These patterns develop on emotional, behavioural, and mental levels. This is a very unconscious process for most. Due to this unconsciousness, we are […]