All Entries Tagged With: "christmas"

Swim with Santa
A participant gets her photo taken at the Personnel Support Programs Swim with Santa event, held at the Naden Athletic Centre on Dec. 5.

Firefighter’s legacy shines at parade
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer – Base firefighters continued the holiday legacy of a fallen comrade this year by entering Pumper No. 450 into this year’s annual Esquimalt Celebration of Lights parade. The backup pumper for CFB Esquimalt’s Fire and Rescue Services was adorned with over 1,000 Christmas lights and took home top prize for Best […]

Christmas trees at the Pacific Fleet Club
A flurry of decorating and creativity took place in the Wardroom, The Chiefs’ and Petty Officers’ Mess, and the Pacific Fleet Club during the first two weeks of December as members from 25 MARPAC units decorated pre-lit Christmas trees in a show of holiday spirit and healthy competition. Units that participated competed for prizes in […]