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CFB Esquimalt Tritons

Aperçu de la BFC Esquimalt saison sportive

Peter Mallett, Rédacteur du personnel  — Les athlètes des équipes sportives de la BFC Esquimalt se préparent à défendre leurs titres et à répéter la remarquable récolte de médailles d’or de l’an dernier, soit 11 titres sportifs régionaux.  Le succès retentissant des Tritons à Canada West en 2023 comprenait des médailles d’or au hockey masculin et féminin, […]

Tritons capture two Canada West soccer titles

Tritons capture two Canada West soccer titles

In September, the Esquimalt Tritons will compete for the National Championship in men’s and women’s soccer at CFB Borden.

The blue and gold earned berths in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) National Soccer Championship tournament after both teams went undefeated at this year’s Canada West regional qualifying tournaments in Edmonton, Alta.

Triton's team members and coach Josh Buck display their medals during the Closing Ceremony on May 4 at Shearwater Gym, N.S. Photo: Aviator Douglas Hamilton, 12 Wing Imaging Services.

Tritons hoop dreams fall short

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer — The Esquimalt Tritons won a silver medal at the Canadian Armed Forces Men’s Basketball Championship May 1-4 at Shearwater, N.S. The Halifax Mariners avenged an earlier loss to Esquimalt in round-robin play. They lifted the tournament trophy with an 88-72 victory in the gold medal game on May 4 at CFB Shearwater. […]