Father Day’s BBQ

Title: Father Day’s BBQ
Location: at Goldstream Park
Description: Father Day’s BBQ at Goldstream Park

MFRC event page

Come out and celebrate this special day even if you have a member away. Watch for the Unit’s Banners in the general picnic area of Goldstream Park. Walk to the Nature House or explore other trails with military families from your community.

The MFRC and the CANEX provide beverages, hotdogs and all the fix’ens plus s’more making supplies.

Register by June 7 by calling the MFRC at 250-363-2640.

Location: Goldstream Park
MFRC 641
Saturday June 14
Lunch: Noon-1:30pm
Walk to the Nature House: 1:30-3pm

Start Time: 12:00
Date: 2014-06-14
End Time: 13:30

Filed Under: Events

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