Author expands horizon with Reserves
By Lookout on Jan 27, 2019 with Comments 0

Naval Reservist Ordinary Seaman Charleyne Oulton signs a copy of On Her Plate, a recently released collection of short stories by Golden Brick Road Publishing that contains one of her short stories. Photo by Peter Mallett, Lookout
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer –
A military mother and recent recruit of Victoria’s Naval Reserve Unit HMCS Malahat says choosing a career with Canada’s military is giving her a new set of skills and time to develop as an author.
Ordinary Seaman Charleyne Oulton was at Coles bookstore in the Westshore Town Centre ahead of the holiday break to promote her latest writing project as a contributing writer in two recently released books by Golden Brick Road Publishing: Her Art of Surrender and On Her Plate, both a collection of short stories. After signing copies for customers, she spoke glowingly about signing up for service in the Naval Reserves.
“Being a reservist has allowed me an opportunity to greatly expand my horizons. It opens a host of new options for me: to have training, a reliable salary and the freedom to pursue my passions and dreams while serving my country.”
She is a 32-year-old divorced mother of three and the fiancé of Petty Officer Second Class Jonathan McGregor, Naval Fleet School (Pacific). She joined the Naval Reserves in August to broaden her horizons and bring some steady income into the household. For now, she spends approximately two nights a week at HMCS Malahat.
This leaves her time to spend with her two sons, ages 14 and 12, and her 10-year-old daughter and allows time for her writing projects.
“My whole life, I have kept a journal and written down notes, lists, feelings and ideas,” says OS Oulton. “I had always dreamed of writing as a way to offer my thoughts and life experiences to others.”
Her story in Her Art of Surrender joins the overarching theme of encouraging women to let go of things in their lives that hold them back and improve their mental and physical health and sovereignty in life.
“In my contribution to our book, I specifically talk about my divorce, surviving the chaos that comes with divorce and re-discovering my self-worth. Sometimes you must fight for what you believe to be true and right, and sometimes you must surrender what actually is.”
On Her Plate is a collection of essays that explores exercise regimens, and common health obstacles women face such as hormonal issues and cancers. OS Oulton’s essay discusses new mothers and their journey to health and wellness while juggling a career, raising children, and managing married life.
She is also a regular contributor to the blog and podcast channel You’ve Got This Mama
She is a firm believer that, because of the lives they lead, other military members and their spouses have much to offer Canada’s literary community.
“These people have such interesting experiences in life to share with the world. Writing, journaling and reading is therapeutic for me, and I know this could also be the case for so many others in the military community. Imagine how the world would be if we better supported one another and offered our love and experience to all.”
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