Base hosts premiere event at Ogden Point

Defence On The Dock

Peter Mallett, Staff Writer ~

To showcase Canada’s military to a wider audience, CFB Esquimalt is moving its open house off the base and to one of Victoria’s main tourism hubs.

Ogden Point, the city’s port for visiting cruise liners, will host this year’s premiere public outreach event entitled Defence On The Dock, on Sept. 30 between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.

“The aim is to provide civilians first-hand interactions with military assets and members through a marquee event that raises the profile of the base,” says Capt(N) Jason Boyd, Base Commander.  “We are proud of what we do, and this is a fantastic opportunity to not only make sure our work is recognized, but also to educate and build closer ties with the people and communities we serve.”

The last open house was in 2016 on the Colwood side of the base. This year, the Base Commander felt holding Defence on the Dock at an external venue offered a less restrictive and more welcoming environment than inside the security checkpoints of a military base.

Several military units will set up interactive displays, demonstrations and tours throughout the day.

The pièces de résistance are HMCS Vancouver, HMCS Whitehorse and submarine HMCS Chicoutimi guided tours. However, the Chicoutimi tour will be for contest winners only – held both before and during Defence on the Dock.

Also on display will be a new Sikorsky CH-148 Cyclone helicopter and coming down from the air will be the Canadian military parachute demonstration team, The Skyhawks.

For a little water-side fun, sailors will take visitors out on Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat rides.

“We have created a fun family event to give the communities who support us opportunities to go behind-the-scenes and see things not normally open to the public,” said Capt(N) Boyd. “Defence on the Dock is a chance to see what happens every day behind the gates of the base.”

Attendees are encouraged to think green and reduce their carbon footprint by biking or taking the bus to the venue, and bringing their own water bottle that can be refilled at stations onsite.

For updates and more information about Defence On The Dock visit the CFB Esquimalt Facebook page.

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