Cadet soars to new heights in Cessna
By Lookout on Aug 06, 2013 with Comments 0

Thirteen-year-old Joshua Emery, an Air Cadet with 89 Squadron in Victoria, gives a thumbs up following his familiarization flight in a Cessna 172.
Joshua Emery, 13, an Air Cadet with 89 Squadron in Victoria, enjoyed a familiarization flight on July 30.
Cadet Emery flew in a Cessna 172, piloted by Captain Nathan Pritchard – a Cadet Instructor Cadre officer who celebrates his 20th anniversary since he got his own wings.
During the flight, Capt Pritchard personalized the experience for Cadet Emery, pointing out various landmarks and famous buildings including the B.C. Legislature (where the cadets visited the day prior), the Bay Street Armoury (where Emery’s squadron parades during the training year), and even Albert Head Air Cadet Summer Training Centre.
All General Training Course (GTC) cadets have an opportunity to go on a 20-minute flight in one of three Cessnas, rented from the Victoria Flying Club and flown out of 443 Maritime Helicopter Squadron in Sidney. Last week was Cadet Emery’s second “powered” flight, but his first time sitting in the front seat.
When asked how his flight was, Cadet Emery simply said, “Awesome!”
Over 140 air cadets from throughout B.C. are presently on the GTC at Albert Head Air Cadet Summer Training Centre. The two-week course is the first introduction many cadets have to life at a Cadet Summer Training Centre, some even the first time away from home.
Cadet Emery and his flight mates graduated on Friday, Aug. 2. Capt(N) Bradley Peats, Deputy Commander of Canadian Fleet Pacific, was the Reviewing Officer.
Over the summer, Albert Head CSTC will run three GTC courses, with over 400 air cadets.
The newest of B.C.’s four Cadet Summer Training Centres, Albert Head Air Cadet Summer Training Centre was established in 1995. Each year, approximately 930 cadets attend the Albert Head Air Cadet Summer Training Centre between July and August, while a staff of approximately 150 provide supervision and instruction. Air Cadets selected for the courses and as staff come from the 58 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadrons located throughout B.C. There are approximately 3,500 Air Cadets in B.C.
-Lt(N) Peggy Kulmala, AHACSTC Public Affairs
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