CAF Sports Day reboots for 2021
By Lookout on Oct 28, 2021 with Comments 0
Peter Mallett
Staff Writer
Military members and civilian staff celebrated the return of Canadian Armed Forces Sports Day on Oct. 20.
There was a strong showing for a wide range of team sports and other drop-in fitness-related activities hosted by Naden Athletic Centre staff. Throughout the day dozens of participants brought their ‘A’ game to indoor soccer, floor hockey, dodgeball, volleyball, spikeball, length swims, aquafit, and spin classes. At the Wurtele arena they did lap skates and outside ran a five kilometre route.
Participants were required to follow COVID-19 protocol, providing proof of vaccination and wearing a mask when entering, exiting, and transiting through the facilities. They also received a free Sports Day t-shirt and lunch.

S1 Joseph Zwieck takes a freethrow during action on the basketball court. Photos by Peter Mallett, Lookout

Troy Grinder of Personnel Support Programs (PSP) and PO2 Ray Moore of HMCS Regina practise their skills at floor hockey.
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