Calgary’s Grey Cup debt paid in full
By Lookout on Mar 04, 2013 with Comments 0

Cdr Paul Francoeur, Commanding Officer of HMCS Calgary, was true to his word. Wearing a Toronto Argonauts jersey and HMCS Calgary’s ball cap, he hoisted up the flag before the ship sailed past Duntze Head, honouring the Grey Cup debt between his ship and HMCS Toronto. Calgary is
currently conducting sea trials.
When the final whistle blew in the CFL’s East and West finals, it was determined the Stampeders would meet the Argonauts in Skydome to compete for the 100th Grey Cup.
In the spirit of sportsmanship, and in keeping with the finest traditions of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN), a challenge was issued by the sailors of HMCS Calgary to the crew of HMCS Toronto.
The challenge was to stop bailiffs from taking over the ships, which HMCS Toronto quickly accepted, proposed that the Captain of the ship who’s namesake city team lost the Grey Cup game would don the opposing team’s colours, and hoist their flag when the ship sailed.
Such a challenge is by no means unprecedented, and the RCN has maintained close ties and has a long history with the CFL.
Canadian warships proudly support their namesake city sports teams. The 1944 Grey Cup was actually won by an RCN team, when reserve sailors from HMCS Donnacona (Montreal-based) defeated the Hamilton Wildcats 7-6 at Civic Stadium (later Ivor Wynne) in Hamilton.
So in the spirit of tradition, Cdr Paul Francoeur, Captain of HMCS Calgary, acknowledged the Toronto Argonaut’s 100th Grey Cup victory and honoured the ship’s debt to HMCS Toronto by proudly flying Argos colours as the ship sailed from Esquimalt Harbour last week.
The crew of HMCS Calgary is looking forward to a win the 2013 CFL season, while sailors from HMCS Toronto sailors are hoping to repeat their 2012 success.
HMCS Calgary
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