Carol Hendrie – A Tribute
By Lookout on Mar 18, 2021 with Comments 0
Roy Preyser and Douglas McCarthy
Formation Review Staff (formerly BCompt Staff)
It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Carol Hendrie in December 2020, a cherished retiree from the Base Comptroller (BCompt) branch. Although we aren’t fully aware of all the positions she held over the years, we know for certain that she worked at CFB Shilo prior to her arrival at CFB Esquimalt.
Carol was a central member of the BCompt branch staff and known throughout the Formation as a diligent, knowledgeable, and proficient member of the finance community.
For years, the BCompt branch was assigned the Regional Departmental Accounting Office responsibility of providing guidance and oversight for financial policy and processes within the Formation. As the Base Financial Management Supervisor, she provided training for countless users in the old FIS finance system, and then subsequently the replacement FMAS system (now known as DRMIS). Her knowledge of government financial policy and procedures was unmatched, and she gladly shared her expertise with everyone.
Carol was a key player in implementing new policies and procedures in the Formation. When new policies were issued, she would carefully consider how these would impact Formation staff and provide input on the best ways forward to ensure people throughout the Formation would be able to function at their assigned tasks.
Carol was instrumental in the development and delivery of the Acquisition Credit Card and RC Managers courses that were offered for years in a classroom training environment. For years she also provided annual Fiscal Year-End Briefs to Formation staff, and single-handedly entered all the Payable-At-Year-End transactions for the entire Formation.
Carol took great pride in her work and mentored many personnel over the years – both military and civilian. As a mentor, she was invaluable to both authors of this article. We were blessed to work directly with her as clerks in BCompt, absorbing as much information over the years as our brains could consume. Her sage advice and encouragement allowed us both to further our own careers within the Public Service, to the point we each now work in Formation Review – but the lessons we learned from her have never left us.
Though she taught so many people about all the varied processes of how to do financial work, she also showed people on a daily basis how to be a good leader and decision maker.
She provided mentorship to many young sea logistics officers at the beginning of their careers – including our current Base Commander, Capt(N) Sam Sader, who circled through the BCompt branch and Carol’s sphere of influence on two occasions – first as a A/SLt, then as a Lt(N), and then returned as a LCdr when he served as BCompt after her retirement.
We know with certainty that Carol was immensely proud of every one of those individuals who was promoted to higher rank and positions. Two other of the sea logistics officers that Carol mentored over the years eventually changed trades, but remain in the CAF to this day, now serving in the medical branch in Ottawa.
With her boisterous laugh and outgoing personality, she had a heart of gold and was admired by her peers. And though she had the patience of a Saint, there was one phrase she was fond of using if people didn’t heed her advice:“I’ll rip their lips off!” Though we never actually witnessed such an event, it made for an amusing image in one’s mind.
Carol retired from the BCompt branch and the Public Service in 2006. Even after retirement, she stayed in contact with some and continued to provide insight and advice when asked.
She was truly a cherished member of the Base, and particularly the BCompt branch.
A mother of two, Carol was fiercely protective of her family – even taking time to ensure her mother and nephew in Brandon, MB, were well cared for, despite the distance between them. She loved her husband Doug, who himself retired from the CAF as an MWO after a long career as a pay writer and proud former member of the Queen’s Own Rifles.
Carol is survived by her two sons, Todd and Ryan. One of her happiest moments occurred when Ryan started working at DND, he is now the Application and Desktop Support Supervisor at Base Information Services (BIS) and we know she could not be more proud.
On behalf of the Formation, we extend our deepest condolences to Ryan and Todd on their loss. Know that we deeply appreciate your mom’s contributions, candor, and dedication to the Department of National Defence. She touched so many lives including ours, and we are forever grateful.
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