Celebrating the FMF’s 20 year anniversary, 1996-2016
By Lookout on Apr 13, 2016 with Comments 0

Congratulations! FMF Cape Breton on your 20th Anniversary
Rachel Lallouz, Staff Writer ~
Hundreds of people gathered at one end of dry dock to celebrate Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Breton’s (FMF CB) 20th anniversary last Wednesday.
FMF CB employees, their family members, sponsors and invited guests were treated to a barbecue, and popcorn and cotton candy from a few sponsors for the littler guests.
Kicking off the event was traditional drumming performed by members of the Defence Aboriginal Advisory Group. Speaker Mary Ann Thomas, an Esquimalt Nation Elder, then shared a message about the importance of working together.
“We all need each other in life,” she said to the crowd.
“We need to accept each other. If you want to accomplish something, you’ve got to get along and work with those around you.”
After Thomas’s moving speech, the entries for the Apprenticeship Skills Competition were unveiled, representing the handiwork of tradespeople in Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Breton; metal trades; hull trade; mechanical fitters/ refrigeration mechanics; marine electricians; electronic technicians; machinists, and millwrights.
Each group was tasked with creating a display according to a “History of Canadian Navy” theme using only the supplies found within their work centres.
The groups started their plan in October 2015, and had from December to February to complete their displays, which ranged from an intricate metal serpent crafted by the metal trade apprentices to a wooden and cloth replica of HMCS Oriole, created by the hull trades (painters, shipwrights/ joiners, riggers, sailmakers, electroplater and laggers).
First place was awarded to Group 6B, millwrights. Second place was given to Group 1, metal trades, and an honourable mention was given as a tie between Group 2, hull trades, and Group 6A, machinists.
Attendees of the anniversary celebration voted “People’s Choice” style for the metal trades, Group 1.
Following the unveiling, music sponsored by 98.5 Ocean echoed throughout the dry dock as children jumped in the bouncy castles, volunteers were dunked in the dunk tank, and others sampled Employee Equity’s homemade dried seaweed and smoked salmon.
Wrapping up the event were the words of Capt(N) Christopher Earl, FMF CB Commanding Officer.
“The FMF has existed for 20 years, and I look forward to it existing for another 20,” he said. “Thank you to all employees and their families for the support, effort, and dedication. The navy simply couldn’t function without you. And thank you to our sponsors for their generous support of our event.”
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