College Support Network
By Lookout on Jan 05, 2015 with Comments 0

SISIP and CANEX representatives present Capt(N) Steve Waddell, Base Commander of CFB Esquimalt, with a cheque for $177,819.
Military family members are being supported through the College Transferability Network to make their educational goals a reality.
Many military spouses hold off on educational or professional pursuits while in charge of the day-to-day care of the family, and organizing the household while the military member is away on training or operations.
The limitations imposed by frequent relocations with the military also take priority. However, pursuing higher learning or professional training has gotten easier, and there are initiatives in place to help make education aspirations more attainable.
College Transferability Network
Historically, it has been problematic for military family members to transfer educational credits from one institution to the next. Understanding the challenges of regular military postings, the Royal Canadian Air Force and North Island College in British Columbia hosted a summit in 2013 with the aim of expanding educational opportunities for military families.
What ensued was the development of the College Transferability Network, a community of public colleges, nine to-date, that have signed a memorandum of understanding to foster a barrier-free learning environment for military families.
Military family members are being supported through this network to make their educational goals a reality.
Supporting the educational goals of military members and their families is not new. More than 40 years ago, the University of Manitoba began assisting military members and their spouses through their Military Support Office.
The University continues this support today by granting university credit for military courses and training, as well as providing military members and their civilian spouses services that include credit assessment and transfer, program advising and planning and other administrative support.
Education Options
The Military Support Office at the University of Manitoba, and now the College Transferability Network provide options that significantly reduce completion time and expenses for many military members and families interested in earning a certificate, diploma or degree.
If you would like guidance in exploring the various resources or opportunities that are available, you can begin by contacting a Military Family Resource Centre in your area or calling the Family Information Line at 1-800-866-4546.
Whether you are looking to enhance a skill, receive a qualification or simply learn something new, know that educational support is available to help you reach your goal.
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