You decide – name the Naden gym mannequin

Kodi Gibson with the unnamed mannequin.

Kodi Gibson with the unnamed mannequin.

Peter Mallett
Staff Writer

Navy ships have Oscar, the person overboard dummy. The Naden Athletic Centre has…well, an unnamed, non-gendered mannequin used in the pool for water-rescue training.

Kodi Gibson, facility supervisor, and Ron Boyce, Aquatics Supervisor, want a moniker for their dummy, and are looking to the Defence community for ideas.

“As humans, we have a tendency to want to name everything whether it’s an inanimate object like a car, a beloved stuffed animal, or a life-sized mannequin,” says Gibson. “After Personnel Support Programs staff got into a debate over what to name the new mannequin, we figured it was best to let the community decide.”

The contest runs from May 31 to June 17 with the name announced on June 18 after a thorough review of submissions by a panel of judges.

The winning entrant will receive a free fitness consultation and personalized fitness plan designed by PSP staff, a Health Promotions swag bag, and an official certificate of recognition to be displayed at the Aquatics centre.

The mannequin is so life-like “it actually looks like a human being,” says Gibson. It stands about five feet tall and weighs 100 lbs when filled with water. 

It was bought because of COVID and a need to train in the pool without a real person in need of rescuing.

To enter the contest provide a name suggestion in the comments section on the NAC’s Facebook posts promoting the contest. Alternatively, you can email your suggestions to


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