Dockyard construction

construction in dockyard

Construction on sections of Hospital Road at CFB Esquimalt have caused many closures and re-routes along Dockyard’s central road.

CFB Esquimalt has gone through enormous changes during the past few years and there are several more years to come.  
Over the next year, employees will see several major construction projects take place, many continuing through 2014 and beyond.  Although the focus tends to be in Dockyard, there are also major construction projects underway at several other sites. The objective is sustainable infrastructure to support a modern navy.
As evident by the time line, there are many projects either underway or about to start. The Royal Canadian Navy has the lion’s share of the Department’s construction allocation over the next 10 years.
There are even more projects in the budding stages.  Below are the projects that are underway or coming soon.
Base Fire Hall and Command Post
This brand new facility is in final stages with occupancy slated for May 2013.  Its street appeal is achieved by radical use of color and innovative architectural style. Inside it’s fitted with the most current fire-fighting equipment and comfortable accommodation facilities including theatre classroom and kitchen.
Utility Corridor
This project started in June 2012 and will continue until October 2013.  This three meter by three metre tunnel will form the backbone for municipal infrastructure within Dockyard (water, sanitary sewer, steam, power and communications) ready for future development. The contractor is working both ends towards the middle to reduce construction time. There will be, however, ongoing traffic detours as the contractor excavates and builds the tunnel. In the end, there will be a wide corridor with bicycle lanes and sidewalks all the way from the Gate House to B-Jetty.
Fleet Maintenance Facility (Cape Breton)  
This multi-phased project will enhance FMF (CB)’s ability to deliver ship repair support for the Fleet. Phase 4 is almost complete and the detailed design for Phase 5 is ongoing with some construction due to start this summer.  When it is complete in 2018, FMF (CB) will be consolidated into a very large modern facility.  
443 Maritime Helicopter Hangar  
Construction for this project is well underway with the steel skeleton dominating the skyline at Victoria International Airport.  
Albert Head Water Main Replacement  
This project is well underway twinning the domestic and fire fighting water supplies for much better service and safety at Albert Head.  It will be completed by the time the summer Cadet programme commences.  
192 Construction Engineer Flight (Aldergrove)
This new armoury for 192 Construction Engineering Flight is in the final stages of construction co-located with the communications facility at Aldergrove.  It replaces the old second-hand trailers that 192 CEF has been using for the past several years.
Replace A and B Jetty
A and B Jetties are over 50 years old and well beyond expected lifespan. Replacement construction is planned to be ready for the newly refitted frigates, as well as the joint support ship, Arctic offshore operations ships, and the future Canadian surface combatant ships. The replacement work will install modern servicing and equipment, including cranes, plus provide better facilities to the jetties.
Intrusion Alarms  
CFB Esquimalt is entering the modern era with new Internet protocol-based intrusion alarms carried over a nation-wide fibre optic system, being built now. This will enable far better flexibility to install new alarms, plus other devices such as CCTV without the current limitations of a copper wire system. The design is well underway with installation planned for 2014.  
While all this major construction is going on, there are several moves and consolidations happening in Dockyard to optimize functional space use and divest of redundant facilities. Time snapshots and details are contingent upon available funding; however, there is a plan and there is a domino effect of the sequencing of moves and consolidations. Timings may shift somewhat, but the planned occupancy and divestment, and sequences are important.  

-Marcel Gingras, BCE

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