Fleet Maintenance Facility Change of Command
By Lookout on Aug 11, 2017 with Comments 0

From left to right: Outgoing Commanding Officer, Captain (Navy) Christopher Earl; Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, Rear Admiral Art McDonald; and Incoming Commanding Officer, Captain (Navy) Ed Hooper sign transfer of command certificates. Photo by Cpl Blaine Sewell, MARPAC Imaging Services
PO2 Michael Stone, FMF CB ~
On the last Friday in July, under a clear summer sky, Captain (Navy) Chris Earl relinquished command of Fleet Maintenance Facility Cape Breton (FMF CB), a position he has held for four years.
Capt(N) Ed Hooper assumed command of FMF CB following the conclusion of his command of the recently-established Naval Training Development Centre (Pacific).
Overseeing the ceremony, held at the head of the graving dock, was Rear-Admiral Art McDonald, Commander of Maritime Forces Pacific.
During his time as the head of FMF CB, Capt(N) Earl led the unit to complete numerous major maintenance and repair tasks, including extensive work on submarines HMCS Chicoutimi and HMCS Victoria, the repairs to HMCS Protecteur following a collision with HMCS Algonquin, the repairs to HMCS Winnipeg following an allision with a civilian vessel, and significant support to HMCS Protecteur following a major fire while at sea.
On conclusion of the change of command ceremony, the unit hosted a barbecue and presented gifts to Capt(N) Earl, who will be moving to a position as Chief of Staff for Director General Maritime Equipment Program Management in Ottawa.
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