HMCS Calgary fundraising surpasses expectations
By Lookout on Mar 15, 2018 with Comments 0

For nearly a decade, the snake pit of the gunroom has been known as “TK’s”, dedicated to Lt(N) Cameron Tkachuk. Lt(N) Tkachuk succumbed to cancer on Aug. 31, 2008. Team Onward posed in front of the print of naval artist John Horton presented to the Gunroom on his behalf. Pictured here: Lt(N) Adam Thomson, Lt(N) Cass van Benthem Jutting, Lt(N) Sean Milley and Lt(N) Stephen Tomlinson. Photo by SLt Déry
SLt M.X. Déry, MARPAC PA ~
When we last spoke to HMCS Calgary’s Team Onward, who were raising money for the B.C. Cancer Foundation’s Lose the Booze campaign, they had barely broken $3,000.
From a modest initial goal of $2,000, Onward constantly had to revise their goal in order to keep the online donation counter from reading 100 per cent.
“We picked $10,000 as a ‘We probably wouldn’t get there but we didn’t want it to cap at 100 per cent’ goal,” said Lt(N) Stephen Tomlinson, one of three team leaders for Team Onward, with all three battling cancer.
But after a February without alcohol, the team’s final tally was $12,262.35, becoming the top Lose the Booze fundraising team in British Columbia. With their contribution, the event enjoyed their best fundraising year with an increase of over 30 per cent from last year.
“We got outstanding support from friends and family, and the Formation as a whole,” said Lt(N) Tomlinson.
The team worked hard on getting the word out and to tell their stories about their experiences with cancer, even taking to social media, despite an underlying dislike for the platforms.
“I joke a lot about social media,” said Lt(N) Stephen Tomlinson. “I actually activated my Twitter account for the first time in six years.”
Lt(N) Sean Milley says support from the chain of command helped a lot, and that the navy was onboard because the message overlapped with other initiatives.
“It aligns itself with the new direction of the navy, especially leading into MARPAC’s health and wellness month,” he said. “It ties into mental health and physical well-being, so it is a good one for the navy to support, and you don’t need to bike 100 kilometres a day, so it is more accessible for people.”
As Team Onward’s story spread, donations grew, even from outside B.C. and the country, with some donations coming from the U.S.
“The story went through Ottawa by the looks of it, because we got a bunch of donations from Lieutenant-Commanders,” said Lt(N) Milley.
Aside from refraining from alcohol for a month, Team Onward also raised funds by being designated drivers for the Canadian Forces Sailing Association’s Commodore’s Ball.
“Four of us went there and provided designated driver service and raised $725,” said Lt(N) Milley.
The success did not go unnoticed by the B.C. Cancer Foundation, who thanked Team Onward by name in their post-event coverage.
“It was such a pleasure to have them come on board,” said Rachel Mitchell, Special Development Officer for the B.C. Cancer Foundation. “They helped make our event.”
For all three team captains, there are many scans and tests to undergo before they are deemed cancer free by their health care professionals. Lt(N) Tomlinson still has treatment for his late stage testicular cancer to remove tumors in the rest of his body.
But despite the difficulties, the team is grateful for the support.
“It feels good because you are doing it for a good cause,” said Lt(N) Milley.
For those wishing to help raise funds, the B.C. Cancer Foundation’s next event is Workout to Conquer Cancer in May. Perhaps you can take on the challenge of surpassing Team Onward.
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