Holiday Message
By Lookout on Dec 21, 2016 with Comments 0

Base Commander, Captain (Navy) Steve Waddell with his family, wife Shuana, and children Nate and Bekah, plus the family dog Relic, in the Wardroom lounge. Cpl Carbe Orellana, MARPAC Imaging Services
As Christmas and the holiday season approaches we should all take the time to slow down a little and reflect on what we have accomplished in 2016 and what lies ahead for 2017. I would like to take this opportunity express how much I truly appreciate the hard work of the entire Defence Team to provide support to ships, shore units, and personnel.
This is my third year as Base Commander so I have seen first-hand the significant changes in and around the Base. I only have to look at my last two holiday messages and family photos to see how much my children have grown and to notice a few new grey hairs!
I am immensely proud of the work the Base team has been able to accomplish this year, working towards and supporting the revitalization of our infrastructure – which will undoubtedly cause short term inconveniences but will bring the Dockyard into the 21st century.
The harbour will be a busy place as we continue with environmental work to clean up historic pollution through the Esquimalt Harbour Remediation Project. With the first phase of dredging complete, the project will now focus on the areas around the jetties in Colwood. I wonder whether we will see any treasures or interesting artefacts in this next phase; perhaps an interesting storyline from years of our Port Boats berthed there?
A new wave-attenuating breakwater in Colwood will provide us with much-needed flexibility at D jetty during the coming years while A and B jetties are being demolished and replaced.
I am very proud that so many units came together this past summer for the Westshore Navy Day. It was the first time we’ve held the event in the Western Communities, and the first time in 10 years we’ve conducted an open house. I recognize these events require considerable effort, but we cannot understate how important these opportunities are to showcase to the public and our friends and family what we do for our country. I’ve received nothing but positive feedback and I hope that it won’t be another 10 years until the next one.
In 2016 we lost some of our own, both civilian and military, including the recent and tragic loss of MS Morales Castellon. As we reflect on their service, we remind ourselves of the need to take extra care during this busy time, to make sure that we as individuals, as well as our friends and families, stay safe and healthy over the holidays.
In closing, my family and I would like to extend our best wishes to you all for the Christmas season. Take some time to re-charge your batteries over the holidays. Reach out to, and connect with family and friends. Watch out for your shipmates. Finally, let us not forget to extend our prayers to the families of those who have served this great country and are no longer with us.
Have a safe and enjoyable holiday and all the best in 2017!
Steve Waddell
Base Commander
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