Hull technician gearing up for charity ride across B.C.
By Lookout on Jul 28, 2017 with Comments 0

LS Michael Hodgson shows off his Harley Davidson Road King at a parking lot in Dockyard. He will join 300 riders in the Military Police National Motorcycling Relay and will ride his bike from Victoria to Jasper, Alberta, the first leg of the coast-to-coast fundraiser for visually impaired children. Photo by Peter Mallett, Lookout Newspaper
Peter Mallett, Staff Writer ~
Leading Seaman Michael Hodgson is revving up for the Military Police National Motorcycle Relay (MPNMR).
Straddling his 2017 Harley Davidson Road King, the sailor will join other motorcyclists July 30 as they venture from Victoria to St. John’s, NFLD. He won’t go the full distance across Canada, but rather tackle the first leg of the event that covers British Columbia up to Jasper, Alberta.
In total, about 300 people will ride to raise funds for the Military Police For Blind Children.
“While the relay is a lot of fun it’s also an inspirational experience because we are helping out a great cause,” said LS Hodgson. “We have fun, and stop in the towns along the way. Last year people shouted support out of their cars and lined the streets as we entered town.”
The MPNMR is the world’s longest annual motorcycle relay, travelling more than 10,000 kilometres from coast to coast each year with stops at Canadian Armed Forces establishments and points of interest along the way.
Founded as a way to build camaraderie between military police and motorcycle enthusiasts, the relay is now open to anyone who wishes to ride for a day, a province, or coast to coast. In 2016, the relay raised $60,000 for the charity and organizers are hoping to match and even surpass that goal.
LS Hodgson has set a personal goal of $1,000 for this year’s ride, and says he believes the whole effort is for a more-than-worthy cause.
“I am normally very picky about where I donate my money or in this case my time,” said LS Hodgson. “But this charity is all volunteer run and has no overhead for office space or paid employees, so the money goes straight to children with visual impairments.”
To see the scheduled stops for this year’s Relay or to find out how to donate or participate, visit the Military Police National Motorcycle Relay website at:
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