Last steward standing in CFS Alert
By Lookout on May 10, 2018 with Comments 0

MS Shane Barker (centre) presents the Stewards’ Flag to MWO Renee Hansen (left) and Maj Caden Stiles (right). Photo by Cpl Jay Lapid
2Lt Daniel McCall, CFS Alert ~
After many decades of managing both of the Canadian Forces Station (CFS) Alert messes, and running the Alert Trading Post, the steward trade is at last departing the isolated northern station to be replaced by Personnel Support Program (PSP) staff.
This marks the end of an era for the station in Nunavut, as the presence of stewards aiding with the morale and welfare of Alert personnel has been a constant since the station’s inception. The last of the CFS Alert stewards, MS Shane “Tradie” Barker, is sad to see his trade leaving the station for good, but is proud of everything that has been accomplished by the stewards during their long tenure.
“Alert is more than just a place, it’s an experience,” said MS Barker. “It’s been a big part of my life, and I’m glad I’ve had the chance to give something back. Everyone should have the chance to experience a place like this.”
MS Barker’s presence at CFS Alert will certainly be missed. His constant positivity and relentless enthusiasm have consistently boosted the morale of station personnel. His skill as a natural entertainer is always sure to draw laughter and smiles at any station event. A born salesman, MS Barker managed to increase the sales at the Alert Trading Post by more than 50 per cent during his time at the station, and has left a lasting mark on all who have worked around or alongside him.
Melanie Earle, the PSP staff carrying on the torch as manager of the Alert messes and Trading Post, is excited to take on the challenge of creating her own legacy at CFS Alert.
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