Mid-Deployment message from HMCS Ottawa’s Commanding Officer

The forecastle cable party and part ship hands stand at attention while coming alongside Busan, South Korea, on Oct. 4. Inset: Cdr Alex Barlow

The forecastle cable party and part ship hands stand at attention while coming alongside Busan, South Korea, on Oct. 4. Inset: Cdr Alex Barlow

Hello friends and families of HMCS Ottawa! I am Cdr Alex Barlow, Ottawa’s Commanding Officer.

We’ve reached the halfway point of our deployment on Operations Projection and Neon, and while we are missing home, your continued support keeps us smiling as we conduct operations abroad in the Asia-Pacific region.

We have sailed 54 days, 17,000 nautical miles, avoided three typhoons, and visited four countries and seven ports. We have hosted receptions, played sports with sailors from different navies, participated in community outreach activities, celebrated the ship’s birthday, completed a lot of training, and enjoyed sundaes every Sunday at sea. We are doing all of this while staying focused on our mission of enforcing UN sanctions against North Korea and strengthening our relationships with our regional allies.

The sail ahead looks smooth as we continue our mission and focus on exercising with other allied nations before we turn the ship east to head home for Christmas.

We can’t wait to see you and you remain in our thoughts. Thank you for your support; we’re halfway home!

Cdr Alex Barlow
Commanding Officer, HMCS Ottawa

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