Naden Band member recognized for Outstanding Talent

PO2 Robyn Jutras receives a RCN Commendation presented by Capt(N) Christopher Robinson. Photos by SLt M.X. Déry

PO2 Robyn Jutras receives a RCN Commendation presented by Capt(N) Christopher Robinson. Photos by SLt M.X. Déry

SLt M.X.Déry, MARPAC Public Affairs ~

Naden Band bassoonist, composer and honorary member of the Submariners Association of Canada, PO2 Robyn Jutras received a Commander Royal Canadian Navy Commendation last week. It was presented to her by Captain(N) Christopher Robinson, Commander Canadian Submarine Force.

The award is in recognition of her outstanding services to the Royal Canadian Navy by composing the Dolphin March, the first submariner military march.

The commendation reads: “Through this composition, she showcased her exceptional dedication, technical expertise and musical innovation. It both honours the service of submariners and represents their spirit.”

PO2 Jutras was humble in speaking about her second major composing success, the first being the Centennial March for Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry.

“I am honoured, obviously, this is far and beyond anything I expected for what I consider to be doing my job and a more enjoyable part of my job,” said PO2 Jutras, adding that she exalts in the positive response from submariners. “Making people happy is the best part about writing music.”

Capt(N) Robinson thanked PO2 Jutras and the band for their efforts in bringing this musical piece to life.

“Marches provide a unifying function, more than just at formal dinners, like mess dinners, but it is something that everyone can identify with and particularly this march has the tie into the sound of the klaxon,” said Capt(N) Robinson. “The dive klaxon, in the olden days, is how everyone throughout the submarine was made aware that the submarine was proceeding to dive into the water. It is something that resonates anywhere you go in the world; submariners recognize the klaxon. So, it is really thrilling, not only to have a march, but to have one that incorporates such a substantial part of our heritage.”

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