Newly created senior appointments will assist in Royal Canadian Navy transformation
By Lookout on Dec 21, 2017 with Comments 0

Left photo: Chief Petty Officer First Class Michael Miller, centre, is promoted to his current rank by Rear-Admiral Art McDonald, Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, and CPO1 Miller’s wife Toni. Right photo: CPO1 Simon Lepage, centre, is promoted to his current rank by Commodore Steve Waddell, right, Director General Naval Strategic Readiness, and Command Chief Petty Officer, CPO1 Michel Vigneault.
Darlene Blakeley, Navy Public Affairs Ottawa ~
The substantial experience and perspective of two Chief Petty Officers First Class recently appointed to newly created senior positions, will assist in the continuing transformation of the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) as it prepares for the future fleet.
CPO1 Simon Lepage has taken on a senior appointment with the Directorate of Naval Strategic Readiness in Ottawa, while CPO1 Michael Miller will work with the Naval Personnel and Training Group (NPTG) in Esquimalt.
“The new appointments were made owing to the significance of the portfolios they represent,” says Commodore Steve Waddell, Director General Naval Strategic Readiness (DGNSR). “They will figure prominently throughout our continuing transformation.”
CPO1 Lepage will complement the efforts of DGNSR for the RCN personnel policy.
“With the embodiment of ‘People First, Mission Always’ in the RCN’s Strategic Plan, CPO1 Lepage is fundamental to the succession planning work necessary to ensure our cadre of senior non-commissioned officers are developed and assigned institutional opportunities where they can best contribute,” explains Cmdre Waddell.
CPO1 Miller, he adds, will work alongside Commander NPTG, Captain(Navy) Martin Drews, as they lead “a significant change agenda to completely overhaul and modernize the navy’s individual and occupation training system.”
CPO1 Lepage, who has over 35 years service in the RCN in a variety of leadership positions, says he is honoured to take the new senior appointment and plans to provide institutional guidance with respect to the future employment of the RCN CPO1 corps. He will also liaise with CPO1s to keep them informed on the steps taken so far in the transition to future fleet, particularly with respect to organization and establishment, trade restructuring, and training from a non-commissioned member perspective.
“I also want to encourage RCN members in leadership roles to take an active interest in mentoring our exceptional junior professional talents,” he says.
CPO1 Miller, who has just completed two years as Chief of the Directorate of History and Heritage, has had a broad career with postings spanning the globe, both at-sea and ashore. He also brings to his position at NPTG a wealth of experience and understands the role it will play in transforming how training is delivered in the RCN.
“This appointment is an important step forward for the navy, and I am honoured to have been selected for it,” he says. “The integration of all of the navy’s individual training assets under the same group will ensure consistent training delivery from coast to coast, and move the marker on the ‘One Navy’ directive. Great work is underway to ensure the new trades being created will be set up for success and the sailors of the future are properly trained for the future fleet that is coming our way.”
He hopes to set a strong foundation for the new training system, including transforming outdated classroom facilities into modern, inviting institutes of learning, and turning chalkboards and drawings into technology-enabled learning that will better engage and motivate students.
“I also hope to see a better work-life balance for members of the fleet by training them where they live, reducing the time away from family and friends,” he says. “Ideally our training facilities will be on par with our civilian counterparts and strengthen our ability to recruit and retain the professionals we will require in our future platforms.”
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