PCT Renard garners attention downtown

Photo by LCdr Colin Dudeck

Photo by LCdr Colin Dudeck

SLt Wilson Ho
UPAR – HMCS Vancouver

PCT Renard 58 was on the move last week when it made its way from Esquimalt Harbour to Point Hope Maritime Shipyard on Oct. 1 for a scheduled docking work period (DWP). The DWP will be an extensive overhaul for the vessel.  It will be lifted out of the water onto wooden blocks so contractors can inspect and repair the entire ship thoroughly inside and out.

The evolution was a “cold move” for Renard, which meant that the propulsion plant onboard was not used. Instead, the Queen’s Harbour Master (QHM) tug Glendyne was made fast “at the hip” (beside the tug) and moved the vessel from its usual berth to the shipyard, located in Victoria West.

It is not every day that a Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) vessel traverses Victoria’s Inner Harbour, and the event garnered significant public attention. Crowds of curious onlookers gathered along the boardwalk and in proximity to the Johnson Street Bridge, which connects Victoria’s downtown with Victoria West.

Vehicle traffic was briefly interrupted when the bridge was raised to allow the two vessels to pass. “The challenging part is going under the bridge with Renard on the hip,” said Brian Whittaker, the QHM pilot in charge of the evolution. The entire operation, however, went smoothly and both the tug and Renard arrived safe and on time at Point Hope Maritime Shipyard.

PCT Renard 58 is one of eight Orca-Class Patrol Craft Training Unit (PCTU) vessels that the RCN operates. The “Orcas” are maintained by an in-service support contract (ISSC) through civilian contractors as well as PCTU personnel.

Operating year-round in and around the Gulf Islands on Canada’s west coast, these vessels are ideal training platforms used to teach junior officers and non-commissioned members. PCT Renard 58 is undergoing a scheduled docking program that occurs every five years to refresh the vessels.  It is expected to return to CFB Esquimalt and re-enter service early in 2022.


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