Playground for Grown-ups opens on base

="adult fitness playground"

A Fleet School student tests out the new outdoor fitness equipment at the opening on Sept. 29.


Surrounded by a squad of over 30 Fleet School students in their gym wear, Base Commander Capt(N) Steve Waddell cut the ribbon to officially open the new outdoor equipment outside the Naden Athletic Centre on Tuesday, Sept. 29.

Also in attendance were Danielle Sutherland, Senior Manager Personnel Support Programs (PSP), and Base Chief Petty Officer, CPO1 Robert Spinelli.

“We welcome this new equipment to the base for use by our members,” said Capt(N) Waddell, who also thanked the PSP fitness staff and Real Property Operations for their hard work organizing the delivery and implementation of the equipment.

He and Chief Spinelli then tried the new equipment for the first time, testing their upper body strength on the incline push-ups, the multi-bars and the arm walk.

Both tested their balance on the spring balance beams, and ended the tour with lifts on the body weight pull and press weight lifting equipment.  

The Fleet School Students also tested the equipment, completing round after round of high-intensity cardio and strength training circuits, led by PSP fitness instructors Peter Gibson, Takato Tanaka, and Jessica MacDougall.

“With the way fitness trends are going, we have a lot of demand for circuit style classes,” said Tom Campbell, Acting Manager PSP Fitness and Sports.

“This will help alleviate that demand and provide our members with all-weather gear that can be used.”

The new equipment is now officially available for use by CAF members, DND staff, and Naden Athletic Centre pass holders.


Rachel Lallouz
Staff Writer

Filed Under: Top Stories


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