Prairie Reservist receives CJOC Commander’s Commendation
By Lookout on Feb 08, 2017 with Comments 0

LCdr Clark Northey is joined by his father Robert Northey (left) and LCdr Trent Nichols for his promotion to his current rank and the awarding of a Canadian Joint Operations Command, Commander’s Commendation.
A/SLt Callista Szachury, HMCS Queen ~
An Intelligence Officer from HMCS Queen is the recipient of a Canadian Joint Operations Command, Commander’s Commendation for his exceptional leadership during Operation Lentus 15 – 02 as the Joint Task Force West Liaison Officer.
Lieutenant-Commander Clark Northey proved himself a vital intermediary between the Canadian Armed Forces, affected First Nations communities, and provincial and municipal leaders located in northern Saskatchewan.
By strengthening the ties between these local communities and the Canadian Armed Forces during what can be considered the largest-ever wildfire evacuation in the province’s history, LCdr Northey efforts aided in ensuring a successful outcome to this critical firefighting operation.
On Saturday, Jan. 28, with his immediate family and the ship’s company present, LCdr Northey received his commendation from LCdr W. S. Trent Nichols, Commanding Officer of HMCS Queen.
In addition to the commendation, he also received his well-deserved promotion to Lieutenant-Commander.
Raised in Prince Albert, SK, LCdr Northey joined the Royal Canadian Navy in 2006 at HMCS Unicorn while pursuing his studies in Biochemistry at the University of Saskatchewan. Upon his return to the province following his first tour overseas, he relocated to HMCS Queen in Regina, SK, where he is currently the Executive Officer after serving in a variety of Naval Reserve Division roles.
From 2010 onwards, LCdr Northey has been employed both nationally and internationally. His assignments have included an intelligence course instructor at CFFS(Q), participating in the multinational PANAMAX exercise series in Nolfolk, Virginia, and serving as J2 staff within the RCMP-led Integrated Security Unit on Operation Podium in support of the Vancouver Winter Olympics.
Shortly after the Olympics, he deployed to Bahrain as a counter-terrorism intelligence analyst within U.S. Naval Central Command. In 2012, he deployed once again to Northwood, UK, as the Cell Chief for the NATO Shipping Centre.
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