Ravens have something to crow about

Peter Mallett
Staff Writer

Four candidates of the Raven program briefly left their flock to share their stories.

The Raven program is operated by Naval Fleet School (Pacific) Seamanship Division Leadership Section and blends Indigenous cultures and techniques with military training.

They have been on site at Work Point undergoing Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) training from July 8 to Aug. 13. After that, they will graduate and decide if a military career is for them.

Photo by S1 Kendric Grasby, Canadian Armed Forces

Photo by S1 Kendric Grasby, Canadian Armed Forces

Name: S3 Elijah Gilmore
Age: 22
Hometown: Brantford, Ont.
First Nations Community: Six Nations, Onkwehonwe
School: North Park Collegiate, Grade 12
Favourite Activities: Running, weightlifting
How did you hear about the Raven program? I was browsing the CAF website while also learning about the Great Wolf program in Ontario when I heard about Raven.
Why did you join the Raven program? Because I thought it would be a fun way to challenge myself this summer while getting insight into a possible career.
What do you miss most about home? I definitely miss my family, my dogs, and also having a little bit more leisure time.
What benefits do you think a career in the CAF would provide you?
My favourite aspect of the Raven program is also what is most difficult for me. The difficult thing is no matter how good I feel I have done at something, the staff will always push me and the rest of the platoon to do better. The schedule is very tight and very well run and they always work to get everything done between the hours of 5 a.m. and 10 p.m. I joined the Raven program to learn about the Forces, but I am also learning about myself and what it means to work as a unit, which is something I am not accustomed to.

Photo by S1 Kendric Grasby, Canadian Armed Forces

Photo by S1 Kendric Grasby, Canadian Armed Forces

Name: S3 Frieda Hakkarainen
Age: 18
Hometown: Prince Rupert. B.C.
First Nations Community: Gitxsan Nation
School: High School graduate
Favourite Activities: Playing soccer, reading, writing and drawing
How did you hear about the Raven program? Through a family member who had previously applied to the program.
Why did you join the Raven program? I joined because I wanted to do something different and to make a lifetime of memories.
Do you have any family or relatives in the military past or present?
My mom used to be in the military and joined when she was working as a truck driver. Before she retired from the Royal Canadian Air Force she was working as an Avionic Technician. She fixed the Sea King helicopters before they were retired. I’m very proud of my mother because she joined the military at the age of 28 and served Canada for quite some time. I’m also proud of her because she’s always working hard, especially by taking care of my brothers and I. I love her and my family very much but I also have another family now with all these amazing Ravens. We are planning on keeping in touch with each other when the program concludes.

Photo by S1 Kendric Grasby, Canadian Armed Forces

Photo by S1 Kendric Grasby, Canadian Armed Forces

Name: S3 Sarah Matthew
Age: 16
Hometown: Winnipeg, MB
First Nations Community: Kinew Métis
School: Balmoral Hall School, Grade 12
Favourite Activities: Swimming
How did you hear about the Raven program? I was searching for different summer camps and immediately became interested when Raven came up.
Why did you join the Raven program? I wanted to learn more about my culture. I also enjoy being outdoors, trying new experiences and pushing myself to learn new things.
What do you miss most about home? I mostly miss my family and friends and playing Frisbee and swimming.
How has the Raven program been beneficial to your development and changing your career aspirations and goals?
The Raven program has improved my physical fitness, my confidence, and mental toughness. It has helped me believe I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. The Raven program has also given me an opportunity to improve my leadership abilities. I have learned to be a better teammate and realize the importance of teamwork to accomplish difficult tasks. Before the Raven program I had little knowledge of what it meant to be in the Canadian Armed Forces, and specifically the navy. There are so many more trades and specialities that I am still learning about. This has completely broadened my mindset of things that I would like to do and how many different possibilities there are for jobs that include many different aspects of things I enjoy.

Photo by S1 Kendric Grasby, Canadian Armed Forces

Photo by S1 Kendric Grasby, Canadian Armed Forces

Name: S3 Nathan Voyer
Age: 17
Hometown: Surrey, B.C.
First Nations Community: Tse’Khene
School: L.A. Matheson Secondary School
Favourite Activities: Baseball, hockey, guitar
How did you hear about the Raven program? I heard about the Raven program through an Indigenous program at my school.
Why did you join the Raven program? I have always been interested in joining the military and this was the perfect opportunity.
What do you miss most about home? Of course I would have to say sleeping in, but yes I do miss my family and friends too.
If you were to choose a career in the Canadian Armed Forces, which branch of service would it be and why?
I would join the army for sure. I want to be in the infantry for the most part. You know camping with a rifle sounds like fun. I know there is a lot more to it than that but I am willing to do anything that comes with being an infantryman. It is a little ironic because I am saying from navy BMQ when I could have gone to an army one. The reason for that is because [the Raven program] was closer to home and my mom did not want me to go too far away for an extended amount of time. I think the air force is a lot cooler than the navy, but the army is even better than the air force. I also thought this BMQ would be more difficult. In the end I want to see how the army infantry will be and hope that it will challenge me and bring memories that will last forever. 


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