Reiki healing offered at CPAC

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Reiki is a holistic healing practice that focuses on the channeling of universal energy to heal and balance the body and spirit.

When taking care of one’s health it’s important to be hands on. With Reiki it’s hard to be anything but.

Lee Hindrichs, a Reiki Master, has been practicing the healing art for more than 25 years and is now offering workshops at the Colwood Pacific Activity Centre.

“I thought it would be something military moms  and dads out there could really use, so I gave CPAC a call and they were into it,” says Hindrichs, a former army reserve medic.

Reiki is a holistic healing practice that focuses on the channelling of universal energy to heal and balance the body and spirit.

The three-day workshop consists of lectures and techniques that take students through the first two levels of Reiki training. It also involves training in reflexology, an alternative healing art that focuses on manipulation of nerve centres to relieve stress and treat ailments.

Lectures are a mixture of theory and technique, as well as the history of Reiki.

“Students will have questions, and I want to give them tools to answer the ‘why’,” says Hindrichs. “Most of the workshop focuses on the practical though. At the end of it each student will have around three or four complete sessions under their belt.”

Her program focuses on balancing the feelings and stress brought on in the homes of military families.

“I like to focus on the idea of Doctor Mom or Dad,” she says. “I want to give them the tools and resources to help their children and themselves cope with the feelings of a family member going away for a long time.”

Hindrichs was first introduced to the world of Reiki in the mid-1980s while working as a registered nurse.

“I was working 70 hours a week and I was just exhausted. My legs felt like two lead weights,” she says. “I’d tried a lot of different remedies but I was ready to try something new. I decided to go a Reiki healer.”

Hindrichs says that while she went in to the initial treatment sceptical, the results spoke for themselves.

“I felt absolutely energized. I felt a mental clarity I’d never felt before, and the pain in my legs was completely gone,” says Hindrichs. “I was amazed. I did some investigating and it lead to me learning Reiki myself.”

Two decades later, Hindrichs has obtained master status and practices Reiki through the CPAC and through her own company, Life Force Pathways.

“It’s important to remember that healing starts with you. That’s what I want to impart on my students,” says Hindrichs. “It’s not the medicine, or the pills, or the procedures. It all starts with your own body and your own mind.”

The next course is Feb. 25-27 at CPAC (2610 Rosebank Road) and the cost is $350 for Regular/Ordinary and $375 Associate. Call 250-363-1009 for more

-Shawn O’Hara, Staff Writer

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