Rocky Point prescribed burn
By Lookout on Oct 19, 2018 with Comments 0

Formation Safety and Environment conduct a controlled burn with BC Fire Services and Esquimalt Fire Department at Rocky Point. Photo by LS Valerie LeClair, MARPAC Imaging Services
Formation Safety and Environment ~
Department of National Defence worked in partnership with Natural Resources Canada and the BC Wildfire Service (BC Coastal Fire Center) to conduct a controlled prescribed burn at the DND Rocky Point Property on Sept. 27 and 28.
“The prescribed burn targeted 15 hectares of land and was the second prescribed burn successfully carried out under this partnership,” said Tracy Cornforth, Formation Environment Officer at the base’s Formation Safety and Environment (FSE) Branch.
DND’s Rocky Point property is one of the largest remnants of Garry Oak Ecosystem in Metchosin and on Southern Vancouver Island. The 1100 hectare property contains notable populations of rare plants and animals which have attracted researchers from all across North America.
Forest fire suppression has had a major impact on the Ecosystem. Historically, deliberately set prescribed fires were used by First Nations to periodically sweep through Garry Oak meadows, burning off dry grass, shrubs and young trees less tolerant of fire than Garry Oaks.
These fires occurred frequently and prevented the accumulation of forest litter and reduced the overall fire risk.
Fire tolerant Garry Oaks would have survived these low intensity burns and native plants used by First Nations would vigorously re-sprout after these burns.
DND is using controlled prescribed burns to control invasive plant species and conifer encroachment into remaining high value Garry Oak meadows. This activity helps to reduce the overall fuel load, restore the ecosystem and makes areas more suitable for light military training.
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